Most homemade spoofs are made with dryer sheets. But there are proven ways to make sploof without dryer sheets. 

The equipment needed.

They include a thick plastic bottle, a rubber band or elastic, scissors, air fresheners, and toilet sheets.

Steps to making a sploof without dryer sheets

Step one.

One of the ways to make a sploof without dryer sheets is through the use of plastic bottles. Get a plastic bottle with a big opening at the mouth. Preferably one that will fit your mouth perfectly.

Step two

Get a pair of scissors and use them masterfully to craft holes at the bottom of the bottle. 5 to 10 small holes are recommended. The point of caution is that the holes should not be bigger than required or smaller.

Step three

Apply Febreze perfume to a roll of toilet paper. Before this, the toilet paper must be slightly wet. Once this has been done, you can use a rubber band or elastic to fasten the toilet paper to the rear of the bottle tightly.

Step four

Stuff more toilet rolls into the bottom of the bottle. Make sure the sheets are heavily sprayed with Febreze before you push them down. This is to prevent your mouth from coming into contact with the fabreze.

Step five

Add more sheets from the paper roll into the bottle, but this time around without the Fabreze. The thing is to cushion the effect that the agent might have close to your mouth. 

Step six

Always replace the bottle cap quickly on the mouth to prevent smoke from filtering out of the bottle instead of passing through the toilet rolls.

Benefits of using this type of sploof

Though they are usually not as effective as the ones made in the factory, they nevertheless help in stifling the effects of heavy smoke in the home. It prevents others from being annoyed by the practice.  It helps by not giving the room or the environment the smell of the ensuing smoke. It can help prevent unnecessary complaints from neighbors to the police or drug enforcement agencies about a neighbor who is smoking some heavy stuff.

Sploof operated:

The first clue to how it works can be found in its design and purpose. It is designed to expel the odor of cannabis.  It has a mouth and an exit point. The offensive air is blown into the opening of the device. The smoke partly remains in the hold of the device, while a part escapes. The part that escapes does so through the scented exits, which can be made from paper towels or dryer sheets. The dryer sheets or its alternative, in reality, don’t filter air as only spun fiberglass or paper itself can achieve this purpose. The sheets allow more smoke to escape, but all the same, it’s better than not using a sploof at all.

Alternatives to this type of home-made sploof

The alternatives to these kinds of sploofs are in two classes:

Sploofs with dryer sheetsOdor removal gels:Odor removal gels are an easy-to-go-to option as they can be purchased in stores. An example of this is cannabolish and Cannabis Odor Removing Wintergreen products.

Factory-made sploofs.

The factory-made sploofs are usually more trusted to get the job done than their homemade counterparts.

They include;

smoking companion

This is not usually recommended for long-term use. However, in the short term, it performs excellently as a weed smoke filter. It has an avocado-sized mouth opening which you can blow air into, and it gives out odor-free air.

Typical Dorm Room Sploof

These were probably the first versions of sploofs that were created. It has its limitations, and it can only perform decently, not excellently well.

Pocket Philter

This device is slim and pen-shaped. The filter can be replaced. This can only be done by drying the device for a few days to be able to continue using it. The replacement filter has to do with the casing in this reality.

smoked trap.

This filter comes with a replacement cartridge. It is a bit more sophisticated than Smokebuddy. It has a rubber mouthpiece where you can release the smoke. The air escapes smoothly without the usual offensive odor from the weed. 

Sploofy Pro.

This black matte, sleek and rounded filter sploof is the best among the others that have been listed. The way the device is fashioned with biodegradable equipment is responsible for this.


Due to the cost of getting a sophisticated sploof or the cost of dryer sheets, sploofs without dryer sheets are good alternatives.

Are these types of sploofs easy to make?

Answer: Yes! They are if you follow the instructions guiding them.

Should I buy or make my own?

Answer: It depends on the option that suits you the most.