To round to the nearest centavo, find the number that is closest to the one you are rounding to and then add or subtract the number of cents that corresponds with the place value of the number you are rounding to. For example, if you are rounding to the nearest centavo and the number is 9.48, then the number that is closest to 9.48 is 9.50 and so you would add 2 cents (0.02) to 9.50 to get 9.

To run to the nearest cent, you would need to know how to calculate distances in meters. Then, you would need to know how to convert from meters to cents. Finally, you would need to know how to run a certain distance in meters.The distance from one point to another is calculated by using the Pythagorean theorem.

The nearest cent is at the 6th decimal place.

To round a number, you first need to identify the place value of the number you want to round. For example, the number 12.345 has a place value of one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four point five. To round this number up, you would add one to the last digit (three), resulting in a new number of 12.350. To round this number down, you would subtract one from the last digit (three), resulting in a new number of 12.

When you round to the nearest ten dollars, you take the number in question and round it up or down to the nearest ten dollar amount. For example, if someone asks you how much money you have and you have $23.50, you would round that number up to $24.00. Alternatively, if someone asks you how much money you have and you have $23.00, you would round that number down to $22.00.

To round to the nearest, simply look at the number to the right of the decimal point and round up if it’s 5 or above, or round down if it’s 4 or below. So, for example, 3.14 would be rounded to 3.15, and 2.83 would be rounded to 2.80.

To round to the nearest dollar, find the number that is exactly in the middle of the two numbers that you are rounding. If the number is even, then round up. If the number is odd, then round down. For example, if you are rounding $5.67 to the nearest dollar, then the number that is in the middle is 5. So, you would round up and say that the value is $6.

To round money, you simply take the nearest whole number. For example, if you have $23.67, you would round it to $24. If you have $23.68, you would round it to $23. If you have $23.69, you would round it to $24.

To round a number to the nearest whole number, you simply find the number that is closest to the one you are rounding, and then replace the number with that number. For example, if you are rounding 5.6 to the nearest whole number, the number that is closest to 5.6 is 6, so you would replace 5.6 with 6.

To round to the nearest tenth of a gram, simply move the decimal point one place to the right and round up if the number is 5 or above, or round down if the number is 4 or below. For example, if you are rounding 9.35 grams, the answer would be 9.4 grams.

To round to the nearest hundred, look at the number after the decimal point and if it is 5 or above, round up. If it is 4 or below, round down.

Nearest tenth of a meter means that the measurement is accurate to the nearest 0.1 meters.