Being stressed out has become a common phenomenon in the current era. It has also started affecting the health of people much more than any other cause. Hence, it is essential to monitor your stress levels and do some calming activities if your stress is overpowering you. 

In this article, we will be discussing how Samsung health measures stress and what you can do to reduce it. 

Methods by which Samsung Health measures stress

Samsung Health measures stress by assessing your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) by recording heartbeats. The feature to record heartbeats can be found on some smartwatches and some Samsung Galaxy smartphones. 

HRV measure using a phone: As we discussed, the Heart Rate Variability rate is used to calculate your stress. To measure HRV, some phones have a finger sensor in the back. It is a heart rate sensor, and this feature is required for the Samsung Health app to measure your stress level. 

HRV using an external device: If your phone doesn’t have an inbuilt heart rate sensor, you can also use any wearable which has a sensor and connect it to the app. 

How to measure stress with the Samsung Health app?

To measure stress using the Samsung Health app, there are some steps to be followed. 

Step 1: Open the Samsung Health app. 

Step 2: Add the stress tracker to the home if necessary by swiping. 

Step 3: Click on “Measure” and agree to the given conditions. Then press “Measure” again. 

Step 4: Keep your finger on the phone heart rate sensor or the wearable device connected to the Samsung Health app. 

Step 5: Then, you can see your heart rate, oxygen saturation, and stress level on the app screen as three different icons. 

This method is straightforward to assess your current condition and stay on top of your mental health. Also, remember that this measure is accurate only up to a point, and any medication or treatment should only be done after consulting with a medical professional. 

Accuracy of Samsung Health app in measuring stress

As we already know, the Samsung Health app measures stress levels with heart rate variability. But it is not a reliable method of diagnosis. Usually, an increased heart rate is caused by stress, but it can also be caused due to any pertaining heart condition or extensive physical activity. Hence, the results of pressure measured through heart rate cannot be trusted. 

Also, studies suggest that heart rate sensors in the phones may not be a reliable measure to find out the actual heart rate of a person.  

How to get accurate results with the Samsung Health app?

If you think that the results you have received are not the ones you expected, you may want to reconsider your method of using the Samsung Health app. Here are some tips to follow to get better results using the app. 

Wipe the sensor clean before touching it.  Make sure that you are relaxed until the results are complete. Being seated is the perfect way to be while taking the measurement.  Remove the protective plastic from the sensor before using it.  If the measurement is different from the expected, wait for 30 minutes and try again.  During the measuring, make sure not to move your body much for anything like yawning, talking, etc. … during the measuring.  Try adjusting the position of your finger in the finger sensor if the heart rate is not being recorded properly.  The heart rate measurements can vary in low temperatures. So, if you are in cold weather, keep yourself warm while measuring.  

Ways to manage stress:

If you feel low or anxious, have severe physical health issues, insomnia, weight gain or loss, or any other common symptoms related to stress, you need to take a step back and calm down. There are various methods to try while managing stress. 

Maintain good relationships and interact with people around you with a positive attitude.  Try relaxation methods like meditation, yoga, etc. … Make sure to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Never eat too much or too little according to your mood.  Find hobbies and other exciting activities to give yourself a break.  Do things outside your comfort zone but never go too far to the point of stressing yourself out.  Get proper sleep and regular exercise.  Avoid drugs, alcohol, or any unprescribed medication used to relieve stress.  When things go out of control, never blame yourself and let yourself down. Things happen, and learn to live with them.  Seek help from family, friends, and professionals when you need it. Never feel shy to admit your problems and try to fix them as soon as they arise.  


In this article, we have seen how you can measure stress using the Samsung Health app and various ways to manage stress and lead a happy life. Even though the accuracy of such apps is questionable, you can generally realize yourself when you are stressed out or feeling low. In any case, make sure not to sit on it and act out immediately, or else it may lead to severe psychological issues in due time. 

So, take care of yourself and forgive yourself rather than blaming. It is never possible to behave positively when you are feeling negative. Take casual breaks to enjoy the world and talk to people around you. It is essential to stay aware of your mental health and take good care of it. 

Is the stress measured by Samsung Health accurate?

As we have discussed already, there are chances of inaccuracy in the Samsung health app. It depends on heart rate variability, which can be altered by various factors other than stress.

 How to access Samsung Health online support? 

You can go to the Samsung Health website to access online support. To find the official site, click HERE.