The data on WhitePages was obtained from property deeds, telecommunications providers, and public records. Whitepaper’s release of personal contact information is surrounded by privacy concerns. Users can remove themselves from the directory or modify and update their information on the website.

Go to the Whitepages opt-out page and follow the steps there. … Fill in your listing’s address. Select “Delete” from the drop-down menu and then “Remove Me.” For an automated confirmation call, give your mobile number. After you’ve completed that, wait for the verification robocall before proceeding.

WhitePages uses a mix of public records, paid broker data from mobile carriers, and “proprietary data” it has amassed over the last two decades, according to WhitePages marketing VP Tom Donlea.

Is Whitepages a scam? Despite the possibility of errors, Whitepages is a genuine service that consumers pay for to discover more about individuals, whether they are potential love interests, classmates from years ago, or online sellers or purchasers as examples of usage cases.