Robin Scherbatsky is goofy! She’s done some pretty eccentric things over nine seasons of HIMYM. She grew up in Canada as a teenage pop star, Robin Sparkles. Later, she came to New York to be a journalist. We first see Robin through Ted’s eyes at MacLaren’s, dressed in green, talking to a friend. She instantly befriended Ted’s group of friends.

Robin’s love life wasn’t a straight path like Lily’s. She went from being best friends with Ted to dating him for a brief. She slept with Barney, dated him, ended things with him, chose Kevin over him. Robin eventually married Barney, divorced him in a controversial ending of the show. Robin grew wiser each time, obviously, there has to be a learning curve with a love-life like that. Here are Robin’s best quotes on love.

“Closure Doesn’t Exist”

Robin is a wisecrack. She demonstrated that ability numerous times on the show. She lent pieces of advice to Ted, Barney, Lily, and Marshall. She also handled her breakups with grace.

From “Unfinished,” Robin realizes she may not be over her co-worker and boyfriend Don, after all. She had a bad break up with the guy, he’s settled into his new job in Chicago. Each time Don pops up on Robin’s TV, she drunk dials him and leaves him indelicate voicemails. Lily tries to lecture her into not doing that, but Robin defends her actions by saying: “I am never going to have closure. Okay, closure doesn’t exist.”

“You Are Going To Miss Out On Something Great”

The womanizer of the gang, Barney Stinson has come up with a new Law in the episode, “The Duel.” It is called the ‘Lemon Law’. It entitles a person on a date to call it off, without facing any repercussions. So when someone says, “I’m going to Lemon Law you”, that person left within 5 minutes of the date.

Robin Scherbatsky feels the Lemon Law is a symbol of everything that’s wrong with our no-attention-span society. She thinks it takes longer than 5 minutes to know someone. She says “you keep giving up on people so quickly, you could miss out on something great”.

“But Timing Is A B***h”

Ted doesn’t feel excessively okay at Punchy’s wedding. All his friends from high school are with their wives or kids. His date for the night is his sticky magazine. He’s soon joined by Robin at the balcony. Ted talks about not believing in destiny anymore.

Every day Ted believes a little less and less. It’s not a pretty picture in his head. He asks Robin for advice.

Isn’t That Worth Hanging On To?

Even when Ted imagines Robin’s face in every girl, the imagination talks sense. In “Good Crazy,” all of the girls that Ted meets remind him of Robin. At the end of these dates, Robin appears at MacLaren’s, dressed as a bartender and a grandpa. She gives Ted an alternate view of love and guides him into mending their relationship.

“I know our relationship isn’t exactly what you want it to be. And I know I may not love you the way you love me, but I DO love you. Isn’t that worth hanging on to?”

“You Stole A Blue French Horn For Me?”

Ted and Robin announced their break up at the end of “Something Blue.” The break-up is ticked by a number of things, starting at the restaurant. Robin accidentally holds a champagne glass with an engagement ring meant for someone else. She freaks out and sounds a lot like Ted is trying to set her on fire, rather propose her. Her reaction leads to an argument between the two. And if that wasn’t enough, the manager of the restaurant realizes Ted indeed was the one who stole the blue french horn.

At the end of their talk, Ted sees himself married in five years and Robin sees herself in Argentina, or Tokyo or Paris. They quickly realize they have to break up.

Robin: “You stole a blue french horn for me?”

Ted tells her he would have stolen her a whole orchestra.

“Reacher And A Settler”

Words like these are the reason we think Robin’s the best bro that the gang could have ever had. In “Jenkins,” Robin dishes out on her reacher and settler theory of relationships.

The premise of “Jenkins” is Lily’s nonchalance upon finding Marshall’s quirky co-worker isn’t a man, but a woman. Robin reminds Marshall why that is. “Every relationship has a reacher and a settler… That’s why Lily is not jealous. The settler is never jealous of the reacher because, where is the reacher gonna go? The settler Lily is the best thing that the reacher Marshall is ever gonna get.”

“The Journey Is The Best Part”

Ted says he’s looking forward to growing old in “Murtaugh.” To be honest, Ted’s always been an old soul. The premise of the episode is the Murtaugh list named after a TV icon Detective Roger Murtaugh. The list contains things that Ted is too old to do anymore. So he uses Roger’s catchphrase each time an impossible task comes up - I’m too old for this stuff. The Murtaugh list came into being around the time Ted turned thirty.

The list gets Ted eased about his future. Ted no longer lives in his present. He’s thrilled not worrying about who he is going to marry because he is going to turn old and all that stuff will have happened by then. Robin reminds him of something very important. “That’s pathetic. You can’t just jump to the end. The journey is the best part.”

“Okay, I Have Missed You”

Robin is mad at Ted for he’d lied to her about not having a girlfriend. She’s been avoiding him since the night she found out Ted actually had a girlfriend. In “Best Prom Ever,” the five of them crash a high-school prom to go see a band Lily and Marshall want to book for their wedding. The episode gives us the first look at Ted and Robin’s relationship. They dance together at the end. Robin makes the confession:

“Okay, I’ve missed you. Not in a we’re-going-to-make-out way, not even in an l-forgive-you way. Just in an I’ve-missed-you way.”

“Is There Any Part Of You That Wants To Try Again?”

Robin considers confessing her feelings to Barney in “The Best Man.” Which she does, only indirectly. The thing is, Nora finally calls back Barney at the wrong time. Barney and Robin have just finished their dance, they realize they have chemistry. Enter: Nora.

Barney seeks Robin’s help in getting back Nora. It’s killing to hear Robin as if she were narrating a script. Truth is, whatever she said, she felt it for Barney. “I know we didn’t work out the first time and I know it doesn’t make any sense but I can’t shake the feeling that we belong together. Is there any part of you that wants to try again?”

“It’s A Mistake”

When it comes to having no boundaries, best believe Robin and Barney have no match. As Ted’s going to get back with Zoey, Robin and Barney tackle him down on street. This happens at the end of “Challenge Accepted.” The two convince Ted that it is a bad idea to get back with Zoey. Robin says the following words: “The future is scary, but you can’t just run back to the past because it’s familiar. Yes, it’s tempting”

Barney finishes her by saying, “But it’s a mistake.”