The phrase “it lasts” can be used in a few different ways. It can be used to describe how long something lasts, as in “this shirt lasts a long time.” It can also be used to describe how good something is, as in “this food tastes great and it lasts a long time.” Finally, it can be used to describe how long someone will feel a certain way, as in “I’m so happy right now and it’s going to last for a while.

The word “last” is used to describe the position of something in a sequence. For example, “the last time I saw her was at the party” means that she was the most recent person that the speaker saw.

The last person is the person who dies.

There is no one answer to this question, as the word “lasting” can have different meanings depending on the context. Generally speaking, something that is lasting is enduring or long-lasting.

The word “last” is a noun meaning “the one that comes after all the others in a series.

The phrase “will last forever” is often used to describe things that will never go out of style or disappear. However, this is not always the case, and it is important to remember that nothing lasts forever.

There’s no single answer to this question, as “not lasting” can mean different things to different people. In general, though, it might mean that the thing in question doesn’t have a lot of staying power – it might be short-lived, or not very durable.

The phrase “should be the last person” is often used to describe someone who is very selfish or unkind.

It means that you are the last person to leave a room.

The phrase “last person in the room” typically means the last person to leave a room. This can be used as a metaphor to describe someone who is the last to leave a negative situation or the last to give up.