You may post up to 25 different Ads each day. Duplicate ads or those that are posted more than once will be removed.

You may choose to include a sponsored ad in the Post flow or a paid Premium ad. You can pick between a free ad and a premium paid ad at this time.

-> Google My Business. Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shops. eBay. Craigslist. Location is a popular site for Africans seeking employment in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe; it has offices in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Naija Online Marketplaces (NOIA)provides

The maximum number of vehicles in your company is one per year. In the world, there are limits set for commercial and other vehicles. Spare parts: The limit is 1 in 365 days. Jobs category; only a few cities have different limitations, while the rest of India stays as depicted on the grid. There is a limitation of two in 180

You may post an ad on Quikr by going to the home page of and clicking on the “Post Ads” option at the top of the screen. This includes a short form that needs to be completed, including your email address and a detailed description of the item you wish to sell.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to write a product description will vary depending on the product you’re selling. However, some tips to keep in mind include focusing on the benefits of your product, using clear and concise language, and making sure your description is error-free.

The most popular items sold on OLX vary by country. In the Philippines, the most popular items sold are smartphones and tablets. In India, the most popular items sold are motorcycles and cars.

There are a few things you can do to sell faster. First, make sure your product is priced competitively and is of good quality. Next, make sure your sales pitch is well-rehearsed and that you can answer any potential questions buyers may have. Finally, make sure you are available to answer questions and follow up with buyers after the sale.

There is no guaranteed way to get your ad on top of OLX, but you can increase your chances by following these tips:Make sure your ad is high quality and relevant to the search terms being used.Set a competitive price for your product or service.Promote your ad through social media and other online channels.Monitor your competition and adjust your ad accordingly.

Yes, it is easy to sell on OLX. You can create a free account and post your items for sale. You can also browse items for sale by category.