Before starting, every new podcaster has the same inquiry: “How much money can podcasters make?” Before they spend the time and effort necessary to increase a podcast audience, they want to know what the benefits will be.

What is the potential income for podcasters? Truthfully, most earn nothing. A lot of podcasts have negative cash flow since they have to pay for hosting and equipment before they make any money.

It takes time for creative efforts like podcasting to generate revenue from viewers. It takes some time before listeners decide you are worthwhile. Therefore, if you want to start a podcast to get paid this week, you should find an alternative source of income.

How Are Podcasts Funded?

In reality, there are numerous methods to earn money from this. The most lucrative podcasts employ a variety of monetization techniques, resulting in revenue coming from numerous sources.

In our post on podcast monetization, we go into great detail about all the ways your podcast can generate revenue, but in this article, we’ll focus on the top four: 


The most typical source of income for podcasters is sponsorships. When this happens, the podcast will advertise the sponsor on air. Every episode of your favorite shows certainly contains a few advertisements for them. The amount of downloads your episodes get determines how much money you will receive from a sponsor. 

Depending on where you place your adverts within your episode, you can charge them at varying rates. Pre-roll commercials normally air for 15 to 30 seconds at the start of the program. After the program, post-roll adverts also air for 15 to 30 seconds. Advertisers have equal value.

The sponsor may occasionally grant you extra leeway.

Direct assistance with premium material

Simply ask your audience to donate your money to support your show is known as direct support. 

Offering premium material as payment to your audience is a terrific method to get their support. They might pay for exclusive access to episodes, extra episodes, downloadable materials, live chats, newsletters, and Facebook groups.

Third-party revenue

In contrast to sponsorships, which are paid by the downloads, affiliate sales pay you depending on the products you sell for another firm. You receive a premium for each sale from the competing business.

Many podcasters and YouTubers take use of Audible’s well-known affiliate scheme. When someone clicks on your link, you receive $15 in addition to the credit for the transaction.

Additional products

Selling related products is the fourth typical method of generating revenue from a podcast. This could be in the form of goods, training programs, advice, publications, or admission to live events.

All you need is a spot on your website where they can place a purchase.

Where can I locate sponsorship opportunities?

 Although you can negotiate a deal with any sponsor, the majority of new podcasters begin by working through a broker. Here are some areas to look for sponsorship opportunities:

Ad Results MediaAdopter MediaAdvertiseCastTrue Native MediaMidrollPodcorn

However, as you start to perform seriously, sponsors will start to approach you, giving you greater power over the rewards.

How much profit can a typical podcast make?

What people truly mean when they ask us “How much money can podcasters make?” is “How much can the ordinary podcaster earn?” It will take some time before you can run a popular show with 10,000,000,000 downloads. So let’s discuss some useful numbers.

Let’s start by making a few logical assumptions.

On Patreon, 2% of your audience will be your supporters. They give $5 each month. Every month, 1% of your audience will use your affiliate link to make a purchase. Each commission is worth $15. Every month, 0. 05 percent of your audience purchases an online The costs. The cost of the course is $99. Every month, you release four episodes. Although 4. 3 weeks in a month, we’re going to use round figures to make things easier.

If you get 1,000 downloads of each episode based on these presumptions you can still make some money despite the low interest of sponsors:

$ 100 per month on Patreon$150/month in affiliate salesMonthly course revenues of $495Monthly total = $745

You’ll start to get sponsors if each episode has 5,000 downloads. You can charge roughly $20 CPM for advertisements.

Ads costing $1,200 per month$500 per month in Patreon donationsMonthly affiliate sales of $750Monthly course revenues of $2,475Monthly total = $4,925.

If each episode of your show receives 10,000 downloads, viewers will start to take notice. Ads will be priced at roughly $50 CPM.

Advertisements costing $6,000 each month$1,000 per month in Patreon donationsMonthly affiliate sales of $1,500Monthly course sales of $4,950Monthly total = $13,450

Remember that the presumptions we outlined before are what these numbers are based on. The amount your podcast generates from each source of income may vary. 

Conclusion/What Is the Earning Potential for Podcasters?

How much money can podcasters make is a frequently asked question? As you can see, there is a vast variation. While the majority of podcasters make very little money in the beginning, if you stay with it, engage your audience, and consistently create high-quality content, podcasting can be a lucrative career.