Usually, you might not get paid for the typical plasma donations that you donate. That is because authorities fear that people might donate blood by lying about their health conditions for money, which could lead to further complications for the receiver. 

But in the case of Plasma, it is not the same. Since Plasma is mainly used for making medicines, If you want donate plasma then donors can get paid. The amount of money that you can make by donating Plasma varies. 

Many factors affect it like your weight, where you are from etc. Generally, at most donation centers, the amount paid to donors is around 50 to 75 per sitting. If you donate Plasma for the first time, you could get a significant amount. 

There are plasma collection centers where donors make up to over 1000 dollars in their first donation month. In most collection centers,  the payment is credited as soon as the process is over. 

Covering about 55% of our blood

The liquid part of our blood, Plasma, covers the most considerable portion of our blood covering about 55% of our blood and which contains antibodies to fight infections, water, vital proteins, salt, sugar, hormones, and fats. 

Plasma does some critical things in our body. It maintains blood pressure, helps blood clotting, provides immunity, carries electrolytes to our muscles, maintains PH Balance, etc.

The Process of Plasma Donation 

 In Plasma donation, the blood is collected from the donor and passed through a machine that sends the red blood cells and platelets to the donor itself and collects only the Plasma. The collected Plasma is then frozen to preserve its properties. 

Becoming a plasma donor is not that hard. But you have to make sure that you’re fit to do it. Covid 19 was a massive blow to plasma collection throughout the world. It’s in short supply these days.

How often can you donate?

You can donate Plasma more than you can donate blood as a whole, as the donor receives the rest of the blood back during plasma donation. American red cross establishes that a person can become a plasma donor every 28 days. 

In a year, one can donate Plasma up to 13 times. In the case of some private companies, they encourage people to donate Plasma even two times a week. They follow U.S Food and Drug Administration’s regulation.

Who can donate?                             

One can donate Plasma if they are between 18 to 65 and weigh more than 50 kgs. You also have to undergo several tests before donating. Some tests are done each time before donating to ensure that the donor fits the weight requirement and that the Blood pressure and Iron levels in his blood are safe to undergo the process. 

There will also be tests to determine if the donor is negative for HIV and Hepatitis and to have an idea about protein and hemoglobin levels in the donor’s blood. 

Are there any risks 

It just takes about one or two hours to donate Plasma. If you’re donating for the first time, it might take over two hours because of the tests you have to undergo and for the staff or doctors to understand your health history and make sure you can donate. 

But after that, it might just take an hour or so. You can chill and relax throughout the process. You can watch your favorite TV program or do some work, or even take a nap.

Contrary to some controversies around plasma donations, there is very minimal risk for a plasma donor. You will feel a small needle prick, just like when donating blood. But that’s just for a short period. 

However, you should tell the person conducting the test about any medical condition, if you got a tattoo or piercing, or if you had surgery recently. 


Overall, plasma donation is a very safe procedure, and you could earn money by doing it. But the important thing is that you should assess your health condition first and decide if you are fit for the procedure. 

You must not ignore your health and donate Plasma just for a paycheck. Each donation will help someone who s in need. So, it’s always an excellent choice to go for it. Always consult with a certified medical practitioner first before thinking about doing the procedure.