What Is The NJ Diet?

Based upon nutrigenomics, the NJ diet plan is a comprehensive weight loss diet plan that focuses on individual nutritional needs. This basis is the unique genetic material of each person. The diet is supervised and put into action in line with the opinions of medical experts.

The Start Of The NJ Diet Plan

The NJ diet plan began in New York and New Jersey. Health care professionals from both regions made up a genetics-based diet plan to lose weight in a fast and effective manner.

Which Foods In The NJ Diet Plan?

The NJ diet plan is made for each individual. While it is very customizable a few food items are recurring in the plans. These include:

· Lean protein

· Avoidance of fat

· Complex carbohydrates

How Long Is The NJ Diet Plan?

The NJ diet plan lasts 40 days. Due to its short time, many call it a crash course for the body.

Nutrition In NJ Diet Plan

Since the NJ diet plan is a calorie-deficit diet. Nutrition is fulfilled through extra supplements that are taken over 40 days.

Steps In The implementation Of The NJ Diet.

The NJ, unlike its counterparts, is launched with a certain degree of pre-steps. It requires proper care. The plan has the following 4 steps covered over 40 days.

Step 1: Collection Of Genetic Material

This step involves DNA tests. These are done to analyze the unique genetic profile and nutritional requirements of each individual. The DNA samples were collected via:

· Hair

· Blood

· Saliva

Once the tests are done, they are studied by professionals to make up a 40-day diet plan catered to each individual.

Step 2: Toxin Removal From The Body

At this stage, the body is restarted. With unique hormone therapy, toxins are removed from the body. This allows it to heal from within.

Step 3: Medical Check-up

After the completion of step 2 medical checkup is arranged. , this is done following a 15-day interval. During this step, the general medical expert takes into account the health of the individual. It makes sure that the body is burning fat rather than getting dehydrated.

Step 4: Customized Weight Loss Program

After 40 days, the body is given time and rest to repair itself. During this time a customized weight loss program is drafted for the individual. , this involves losing 2000-7000 calories/day through calorie-restricted food intake. The foods included in the diet are exclusive to each individual and their genetic makeup.

What Are The Benefits Of The NJ Diet Plan?

The implementation of the NJ Diet Plan seems rigorous and professional. The plan has many claims and benefits. Over 40 days, a person can expect to derive the following benefits from the plan.

1. Slimmer Body Structure

The main aim and goal of the NJ diet plans are to reduce body weight. One major benefit one can get is a thin and lean body structure.

2. Balanced Hormone

Since step number two of the execution of the plan involves hormone therapy, one benefit of the NJ diet plan is the balance of hormones. Hormones are chemicals in the body that play an integral function in running the body. Balanced hormones are crucial to good health.

3. Healthy Muscle Mass

Alongside reducing fat, an individual can gain healthy muscle mass through the diet plan. Unlike fat, muscle mass provides strong bone density and good health to the individual.

4. Improved Health Conditions

The NJ diet plan because of its holistic nature focuses on fat cutting and Healthy eating. This phenomenon can help an individual with any underlying health condition. It is important to know that while the diet itself is not the cure, it sure can act as a supplement.

Are There Any Side Effects To The NJ Diet Plan?

The Nj diet plan is generally considered safe. The plan is put together after thorough research and under the supervision of medical experts. However, for some, the diet can be dangerous. It is good to consult a doctor beforehand. 

How Much Does the NJ Diet Plan Cost?

The cost of the NJ diet plan depends upon whether it is in person or online. in-person plans cost about $99 and $27 online. With the cost of medical checkups and food included the plan on average can cost between $1000-1500. The quality of food used and the type of medical check-up can cause prices to vary to a great degree.

Possible People Who Enjoy NJ Diets:

The NJ diets can help a wide variety of people; these include:

1. People Looking To Lose Weight

Due to its customizable plan, people who are looking to lose weight can benefit a lot from the diet plan. Those looking for weight loss can aim for a calorie-deficit diet to achieve the most results.

2. Individuals Seeking Good Health

The NJ diet plan is made keeping the unique genetic makeup of the individual in mind. The plan can be beneficial to those who want to live a healthy and active lifestyle in line with the needs and demands of their body.

3. People With A Lack Of Time

The NJ Plan is like a crash course in dieting. The 40-day plan is perfect for those individuals who are looking to lose weight in a fast and effective manner.

4. Individuals With Deadlines

Some industries like the modeling industry in the model give timelines to people. The NJ diet plan can be beneficial to people looking for ways to decrease body fat in a given period.

Now we have learnt ‘How Much Does The NJ Diet Cost?’, With a variety of new diet plans on the market, one can get wary of diets. The NJ diet plan is new but promising. The 40-day period is perfect for those looking for a quick way to lose weight. Although a bit expensive, the NJ diet plan is making its mark in the market.