The PlayStation 4 has a system unit, a hard drive, a Blu-ray player, an HDMI port, three USB ports, an Ethernet port, and a power cord.

The PS4 has a CPU that is 8-core AMD Jaguar and a GPU that is 8GB of GDDR5 unified memory.

Sony’s PlayStation 4 console has a AMD Jaguar 8 cores CPU.

The PS4 has over 100 games available at launch.

A gaming console typically contains a processor, graphics processing unit (GPU), memory, storage, input devices (keyboard and mouse), and output devices (monitor).

PS4 does not have a graphics card.

The PlayStation 4 does not have a built-in WiFi card. You will need to purchase a separate WiFi adapter.

Yes, PS4 does have WiFi.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the specific games being played and the hardware specifications of each system. Some people may believe that PS4 is faster than Xbox One, while others may believe that the two systems are roughly equal in terms of speed. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which system they feel is faster.

Yes, the PS4 is 1080p.

No, PS4 and Xbox One did not beat each other in terms of sales. The Xbox One was released in November 2013 and the PS4 was released in November 2014.