How Much Has Online Grocery Shopping Increased?

During the last two years, various online grocery shopping websites have seen a significant increase in their sale due to the pandemic & people become more prone to staying at home. According to various reports, it has been found that online websites have seen a drastic increase in their sale with customers spending an average of $5 billion each month. 

Increase in online grocery shopping

It has been found through various reports that online shopping seems to exceed 20% of the total US grocery market in the upcoming 5 years. The graph is seen increasing daily & there was a climb of 2. 7% in the year 2018 to 11% in the year 2022 & is predicted to reach 20. 5% by 2026.

Although grocery shopping from the online market represents a very small part of the overall grocery shopping in the retail market, 72% of people who were asked about their preference for online shopping said that it is more convenient for them whereas the other 45% said that it is more time-saving for them.  

Online grocery shopping increased by 120% during 2020 & over 50% more during 2021. Many grocery retailers stated that they have seen the sale worth 5 years in just one year during the pandemic. Before 2020, only 4. 1% of total grocery sales were purchased through online modes.

Reasons for the increase in online grocery shopping

The first & the major reason for the increase is the pandemic. The entire world was hit by the unfortunate wave of covid-19 which has led to various changes in society & the way things used to work previously. People were under lockdown & had to face various restrictions on going out of their house or visiting various crowded places like malls, grocery stores, markets, etc. Hence, they had to shift to online shopping for getting their regular groceries or daily needed items. People started buying online which resulted in a drastic increase in the online shopping scenario all-round the globe.

People have become more prone to technology & started using online modes of payment, online jobs as well as online shopping. With the various upgradation in technology & so many new trends, people have stopped to take the headache of visiting a store, standing in long queues, choosing their items & the journey to the store.  

Online stores these days carry out various discounts & offers which allows the customer to get a lot of products at a cheaper rate. This is also one of the major reasons for people shifting towards online shopping these days. As far as the grocery items are concerned, they are required by a customer regularly & the customers love when they get a good number of discounts on such items.  

Some famous online grocery shopping websites

Some of the top e-commerce websites in the USA are as follows- 

1. Instacart- 

Instacart is one of the most famous online shopping sites in the US. It has a revenue of $1.5 billion on average & is one of the country’s leading online delivery apps. They have a wide variety of items to choose from & run various offers as well.

3. Kroger-

With more than 2000 pickups & 2,500 delivery locations, Kroger has been one of the very famous e-commerce apps amongst the people in the US. Kroger gives 98% of its customers a seamless shopping experience & plans on increasing its facilities soon.


As we have approached the end of this article, it is very much clear to us how online grocery shopping has increased in the past few years & the reasons for the same. People are more prone to shopping online & most of them will continue to do so with the increase in the amount of technology & convenience. Online shopping has several pros & allows a person to shop in the comfort of their homes.

Do all the stores have an online shopping facility?

While most of the stores do have an online shopping facility & app where you can shop from, some of the stores are yet to incorporate this upgradation.

What affects the purchase decision of a customer shopping online?

Motivation, convenience, service quality, product quality & accessibility

What are some of the issues faced by customers while shopping for groceries online?

Quality assurance, delivery time, ordering experience, low in-person experience and delivery charges.