The cost of notarizing a document varies depending on one’s locality. In the US, for example, it ranges from about $2 – $100 or more depending on the type of document you would like to notarize.

 Documents like home loan signing fees will cost you $100 or more whereas financial affidavits of support cost about $10 or less depending on the fee range in that region. It is advisable to be wary of some notaries who gouge their prices so you should always ask the notary public what the price limit is in your state and get a detailed list to be very sure that a fair price is being paid. In the case of a mobile notary public, you will likely be charged also for travel fees although some states assign a maximum travel fee charge.

Notaries are not remunerated by the government as they are independent contractors, the amount they receive per notarization is the amount they earn for themselves. Although the fees may vary, some states always place maximum allowable fees for distinct services. 

Types of Notarization

There is more to notarization than just having a stamp or seal on a piece of document, there are formal procedures to be followed regardless of the notary record; justifying pieces of information like location(such as country, state, and/or city where the notarization took place), principal signatory(or signatories) and the statement made by the signatory before the notary as a testimony. Here are the common types of notarizations.


This is specifically required for valuable assets like deeds and mortgages. To carry out a jurat:

the affiant’s presence is compulsory; the notary must witness the affiant signing the document;and the notary must ensure that the signer verbally responds to an oath which will be read aloud by the notary.  

They usually cost between $0.25 to $10 depending on the region.

Notary Acknowledgements

An acknowledgment is purposefully for an affiant, whose identity has been attested, to prove to a notary public that he or she has wilfully signed the document. Unlike Jurats, the affiant does not necessarily need to sign the document in the presence of the Notary. Notary acknowledgments usually cost between $0.25 to $20 depending on the region.

Oaths and/or Affirmations

In the same vein as Jurats, a Notary must administer an affirmation or oath to the affiant. An affirmation is a statement asserting the willingness of the affiant to notarize and sign the document while an oath is a pledge to a higher power. They cost between $0.25 and $10 depending on the region.

Copy Certification

This is a confirmation made by the notary to testify that the copy of the document is just as authentic and true as the original. In cases of documents like driver’s license, contracts, leases, and so on require a copy certification. Note that not all states allow copy certification so be sure to ask your notary for the necessary guidelines. They also cost between $0.25 and $10 depending on the region. 

Signature Witnessing

This is similar in process to notary acknowledgments except that they do require the affiant to be physically present before being able to sign the documents. They cost between $0.3 and $10 depending on the region. 

What kind of documents can be notarized?

Documents like birth certificates, international passports, oath forms, affidavits, bills of exchange, declarations, mortgage, advanced directives, and so on(this is not an exhaustive list). In spite of the fact that it may seem like notaries are the standard for specifying the originality of a document, in some cases, some documents are not required to be notarized so notarizing such a document might invalidate it. Most notarizations require a notary to provide an acknowledgment or a jurat.

How can you get a document notarized?

Firstly, you have to present the relevant document that requires notarization to a notary public, then the notary public thereby stamps the document(a requirement under the act). After the notarization process, the notary is required to keep a copy of the document for record purposes. 


A notary is not obliged to read the fine print of contracts. A notary public is not a lawyer(except otherwise) and they can get in serious trouble if they act like one if they do not have the essential credentials of a lawyer. 

Who is a Notary Public?

A notary public or notary for short is a legal agent — not perforce a lawyer — who is eligible to participate in the stamping and verification of the signing of a document. They are not legally allowed to represent the person who patronizes their services.

Is it possible to get a document notarized for free?

If you happen to have a relative or a friend(or a friend of a friend) as a notary, likely, they will not charge any fees for notarization. It is however also possible to notarize a document for free if you are an existing customer at a bank.

 Why should you notarize a document?

Notarizing a document is required for international purposes and having the official stamp of a notary in your geo-location proves the document’s authenticity. In most cases, notarizing a document, especially one that can be used as evidence prevents the usage of a fraudulent document.