How much Revenue does Walmart make in a Day?

Walmart makes $41 million per day, according to the recent fiscal year’s earnings (FY 2020) . As of 2022, Walmart’s revenue is at $572.8 billion. With this estimate, its daily revenue is $1.57 billion ($572.8 billion/365 days). Each store remits about $148.26 thousand daily ($572.8 billion(sales)/10,585(stores)/365 days). 

Walmart offers various products and services that bring about its daily revenue. Some of these services include:

● Retail goods: Such as housewares, jewelry, pet supplies, garden items, sporting goods, lawn, toys, hardware, electronics, home furnishings, health and beauty aids, automotive products, and family apparel.

● Photo services: Walmart runs a photo center online. It offers digital prints, the printing of photos, sales of digital cameras, photo frames, digital photo frames, photo cards, photo greeting cards, and so on.

● Pharmacy: Walmart also runs pharmacy operations and offers a wide range of clinical services. 

● Financial services: Such as money center, gift cards, installment financing, Walmart credit card, money transfers, Walmart pay, and money orders.

● Wireless service: Walmart family mobile provides wireless service on a nationwide 5G network.

Walmart has a strong and loyal customer base, and this brings about great sales for the corporation. It attracts them with low prices and quality products, and it has proven to be consistent over the years in that aspect. It also offers a well-built E-commerce platform that helps increase revenue. As of 2020, an estimated average of people that visits the stores across the world daily is 37 million.

Strategies That Bring About Revenue Daily in Walmart

So far, we know how much revenue is made daily and the services being offered, but we are yet to find out how exactly the revenue is generated. Walmart makes money in several ways, some of which include:

In-Store Merchandise Sales

Most of the revenue generated in Walmart is gotten from retail sales. Some of its retail goods are stated above. Purchases of these goods by customers generate revenue. In 2020, Walmart generated approximately $370 billion from retail sales alone, which amounted to 66.2% of its total revenue. After so many years, Walmart still maintains its status quo of delivering quality products at the lowest possible price. In doing so, its customers stood by them, and they gained some more along the way.

Walmart Plus Membership

Walmart also makes revenue from the subscriptions gotten from the Walmart plus membership. It offers members the opportunity to access benefits that are not open to regular customers. The subscription is fixed at $12.95 monthly or $98 a year. Most customers accept this offer because of the benefits attached to it. For example, free shipping and great discount prices. It has between 7.4 million and 8.2 million members.


Advertising is a way of publicizing one’s goods, products, or services in the market space. This may attract some expenses along the way but with the right exposure, can fetch back much more than what was spent in the process. Walmart generates money through its advertising division known as, Walmart Connect. Sellers that have an account in Walmart Ad Center, can advertise their goods and services. In 2021, Walmart made a revenue of about $500 million from just its advertising division.

E-commerce Sales

Walmart also has a strong online presence and makes money from its e-commerce sales. It sells products through its e-commerce websites. This is divided into three business segments, namely, Walmart U.S, Walmart International, and Sam’s Club. The strongest among the three, which generates more revenue, is Walmart U.S. In 2022 so far, Walmart U.S has generated about $47.8 billion. While the other two, $18.5 billion and $6.9 billion, respectively. This gives a total of $73.2 billion.

Other ways in which Walmart generates revenue include, acquisitions, investments, and VUDU services. Walmart is very versatile and has succeeded in building a household name for itself.

How Much Is Walmart’s Daily Profit?

Walmart’s annual gross profit for the twelve months ending April 2022 is $143.754 billion. From the $1.57 billion generated daily, over 400 million dollars is solely profit.

How Much Is Walmart’s Net Income Per Day? 

Net income is derived by deducting all taxes, administrative, distributive, and operating expenses, or costs from gross profit. Walmart’s annual net income in 2022 is $13.9 billion. From this estimation, its net income per day is $38.08 million ($13.9billion/365 days).

Revenue Generated Per Store

Although the revenue generated per store differs based on size and location, on average, a Walmart store makes $54.11 annually ($572.8 billion/10,585 stores). Each day it generates $148.26 thousand ($572.8 billion(sales)/10,585(stores)/365 days). Approximately, each store makes a daily net income of $3.6 thousand.

Walmart’s Revenue Compared to its Competitors


Walmart’s current revenue is seated at $572.8 billion, and it makes a revenue of approximately $1.57 billion daily. Its daily profit from the revenue derived is over $400 million and its daily net income is $38.08 million. Walmart makes a considerable amount of revenue every day from various sources.